Green Mountain Cemetery Index to Interment Books. Boulder, Colorado
Interments 1904 through 2022

©2023 Compiled by the Boulder Genealogical Society


adapted from a brochure published by Green Mountain Cemetery

The area now occupied by Green Mountain Cemetery and the surrounding neighborhood was purchased as a quarter section (about 160 acres) from the United States Government by John C. Fisher in 1874. It was rural land, a good distance from downtown Boulder, and remained undeveloped until the City of Boulder, due to unpaid taxes, acquired it in 1890. Because of its remote location, the City chose it as the site for a home for indigent persons, which was known as the Poor Farm. This building still stands at 635 22nd street.

In 1904, a local real estate developer by the name of David E. Dobbins bought the entire property from the City. He recognized its beautiful setting, its value for Boulder’s expanding residential needs, and the convenient location near the Chautauqua facilities. He certainly appreciated the proximity of both Baseline and Broadway and being located directly west of the Denver and Interurban train line. Mr. Dobbins was also aware of Boulder’s need for a new cemetery, and he reserved about 40 acres on the southern side of his property as he began development of the residential streets on the remaining 120 acres.

By the turn of the century, the existing Columbia Cemetery was largely filled and was not well maintained, and more importantly, had no endowment fund for continued maintenance. In October of 1904, Dr. Dobbins and seven other prominent Boulder businessmen (undertaker Frank J. Buchheit and Fred White were two of these men) formed the Boulder Cemetery Association for the purpose of creating a new and properly run cemetery for the City. One month later the Association purchased the southern 40 acres of Dobbins’s property and elected Dobbins as Secretary, the first paid employee of the newly formed Green Mountain Cemetery.

The Association began immediate development of the land. W. W. Parce was hired to develop a “subdivision and planting plan” for the layout of grave plots and roads for the cemetery. On December 20, 1904, Archibald Chalmers, a 50 year old coal miner from Marshall, Colorado, was the first person to be buried in Green Mountain Cemetery. Over several years, the remains of several people originally buried in Columbia Cemetery were transferred to Green Mountain so that there could be perpetual care given to their grave sites.

This book is an index to the interment books of Green Mountain Cemetery that are located in the cemetery office.

For more information on persons located in this index, please contact:

Green Mountain Cemetery
290 20th St.
Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 444-5695

Explanation of the Entries:

The data extracted for this index is as follows:

Name Birth Date/Age Death Date Location
(in cemetery)
Interment Number

We did our best to verify and fill in missing information from other sources. Whenever you find an interment number that is underlined, there is a clickable link to a note with more information in the notes section of the site.

Bracketed [information] indicates sources used to verify or locate the missing information. Refer to the list below titled “Explanation of Abbreviations and Sources” for details.

There are online maps of the sections of the cemetery.

Explanation of Symbols:

“*” after name: The deceased moved to Green Mountain from another cemetery

“removed” after entry: The deceased has been removed from Green Mountain and buried elsewhere

“+” after entry: Information was missing from interment book and was added using another source which will be indicated at the end of the entry or in the notes section.

( ) : Information in parentheses indicates that we determined that information to be suspect or incorrect as indicated by other sources used (and cited). For example: “12 May 1942 (14 May)” indicates that the Green Mountain books gave the date of 14 May but other research showed that the actual date was “12 May.” This is not intended to say that one source is right or wrong, only that other research indicated otherwise and should be researched further.

Explanation of Abbreviations and Sources:

abt about
AFD Authority for Final Disposition, Colorado Dept. of Health
Alc Alcove
BC Baseline Columbarium
BDC Boulder Daily Camera
bef before
bet between
BL Babyland
BN Boulder News
bur buried (If we could find no death date, we gave the date buried in Green Mountain.)
FR Funeral Records
CC Certificate of Cremation – located at Green Mountain Cemetery
CN Boulder County News
GM Green Mountain Cemetery
GMic Green Mountain index cards
HDR Historical Data Record 1933 (These are questionnaires that L. C. Paddock, editor of the Daily Camera, had pioneers fill out after the courthouse burned. These sheets are located in Carnegie Library in Boulder.)
Howe Howe Mortuary, Boulder, CO
HW Herald Weekly
Kelso Kelso Mortuary, Boulder, CO
Lev Level
marker Mary McRoberts went out and looked at these tombstones to see what they said to fill in any missing information we found in the books.
marker design The burial contract with Green Mountain has a marker design included
NAC News and Courier
path Pathway
PBRO Portrait and Biographical Record of Denver and Vicinity
SSDI Social Security Death Index
Tippett Tippett Mortuary, Boulder, CO
Trezise Trezise Mortuary, Boulder, CO
n, s, e, w lower case letters usually indicate direction (north, south, east, west, etc.)


The following are the dedicated volunteers who worked on this project:

Amy Schlotthauer *
Janet Schons
Denise Seger
Cari Taplin *
Gina Theriault
Betty Youngblood
Rose Mary Highman
Michele Matthews
Pam McDonald
Kay McDowell
Mary McRoberts *
Pat Morgan
Ruth Ratliff
Rita Rosson
Gloria Carbaugh
Dina Carson *
Arlene Devore
Beverly Dewire
Dan Gould
Jim Hartshorn
Ruth Hattendorf
Clif Highman

We would like to thank the Green Mountain Cemetery for all of their support including the photocopying of their interment books, the use of the other books in their office, for the maps and any other assistance they gave to make this book possible.

  • Dina Carson coordinated the 2016 update of the index, prepared the original production files for merging with the new material, devised a new abbreviation system to enhance consistency and account for changes at the cemetery, pulled the completed 2016 revision together and so much more
  • Mary McRoberts made corrections, looked at other sources to verify the information in this book and, with the help of her husband Barrie, walked the cemetery to check tombstones for some of the entries in the books. There is probably so much more that she did that is not mentioned here and we thank her for her hard work!
  • Amy Schlotthauer collaborated with the cemetery, made corrections, created new maps, walked the cemetery to verify information and so much more.
  • Cari Taplin worked on the computer-side of this project: compiling files that the volunteers submitted, creating the layout of the book, scanning the maps and organized the printing of this book.

Thank you so much! This project would not have been possible without you. Volunteers make the genealogical world a better place.